Zamia or ZZ Plant - The un-destructable air-purifying houseplant
There has been a steep increase in the demand for houseplants in India in recent times, thanks to their air purifying nature (Source: NASA)Zamia or ZZ plant is one such plant which is not only impossible to kill, but also an excellent air-purifier.
These plants can survive in literally any condition! Be it a dark room or a bright area, and can go on to survive without water for more than a week.
For its part as an air-purifier, the ZZ plant removes Toluene and Xylene from indoor air and supplies oxygen throughout the day to freshen up the air.
This plant is ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, workspaces, and infact, anywhere!
To ensure this plant stays fresh, make sure it receives some amount of bright indirect light and water it once in 2 or 3 days.
If you don't have a green thumb, the ZZ plant is for you!
Grab your Zamia plant at any of the Dream Green outlets or our online store.
Happy Gardening!